Saturday, August 4, 2007

Amsterdam photos 1

We're heading to a yoga class in a few minutes, but here are some quick impressions of Amsterdam from our VERY FUN, but somewhat tiring day yesterday. The nice thing about running around a city with a professional photographer is that you REALLY SEE A LOT VERY FAST. The other side, is of course (and I'm told yesterday was a RELAXED AND EASY DAY), that you are running around with a lot of equipment for many hours.

On top of the planned running around, I totally screwed up. We were going to go to yoga yesterday morning, and I had looked up the address and had a map ready and route planned, etc. I told Em we had to leave an hour before class in order to walk all the way there and make it on time. Emily is like: "but Ayla said it's really close by." And I said, "it doesn't look close by on the map. It looks like a 40 minute walk...." And so of course, after 40 minutes of walking there, we get to the street to do yoga exactly on time...except for the fact that IT WAS THE WRONG STREET! :-( ARGH!

I had looked up the wrong street. So we walked all the way back - and then walked to the right street (an hour late), and looked at the schedule for today. So now we know. And we're going. And almost all the shooting is done, so today should be super relaxed.

Last words for the moment - Amsterdam - which I saw one other time when I was 8 years old - is BEAUTIFUL in a sort of quaint but grungy way, and I love all the canals and bikes. I'm getting used to the smell of marijuana everywhere....pretty funny to see it. Doesn't seem to be a real problem here. Anyway...more commentary later.

1 comment:

ABA said...

I forgot Ayla is there. It must have been nice seeing her. We love Amsterdam as well. Pot is legal there, but the latest medical reports are saying one joint does more damage to your lungs that smoking 5 cigarettes. Looks like you lucked out on the weather.