Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tiny News

It's Sunday and the New York Times gets delivered here on Sunday.
After years of reading it online, I'm not used to the real thing. But
here it is and sitting in front of it is a strange feeling because it
is so damn *small*. Literally, physically. I know it is a cost saving
measure-less paper and ink means less cost, but it's still strange. I
used to be able to spread the thing across the table or bed and it
would be an effort to manage the size of the broadsheet. But now, its
dimunutive form makes me wonder at what i'll find inside. Less news,
fewer photos, different experience? And i have just glanced through
the headlines and already recognized a few of them from the online
edition yesterday. But still, it is a moment or two to relax. Enjoy
the morning sun and toast with butter and get lost for a bit in
another place as I read.

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