Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Phil, The Social Media Groundhog

Well, the news is in apparently. In Punxsutawny, Phil has spoken:
Winter will continue for six more weeks. (At least in the United States...)

But apparently he transmitted this unwelcome piece of information in a number of new ways this year:

via text message.

The article also mentions the other social media platforms Phil is apparently using:
"On the Pennsylvania-tourism Facebook, Punxsutawney Phil fans responded to his prognostication with lots of "nos" and "boos." One commenter asked, "Does this forecast count for Europe? In which case I am pushing the dislike button."

People interested in Punxsutawney Phil's prediction also had the option of receiving his forecast by text message or through Twitter. Unfortunately, many of the Groundhog Day text messages did not go out on time, and the Twitter account for visitpa.com was apparently hacked, so Phil's forecast was not posted there either.

"Somebody got into our Twitter account. It was compromised," Bonds said.

For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, this National Geographic article describes what I am talking about: "Tradition has it that if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow on Groundhog Day—always February 2—winter weather will continue for six more weeks across the United States. But if Phil doesn't see his shadow, then spring temperatures are just around the corner." Read the article further for the whole history of this "holiday."

Meanwhile, I'm just happy to see that Phil is able to communicate with us in so many more channels...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is growing warmer here every day. Great iphone app: Dragon dictate. It allows you to dictate email without having to type it in. It is free and it works.