Andreas just left a couple hours ago for a week in China. He's happy to go (I think) because it's his first business trip in 6 months...and...it's China. In Singapore he really got used to traveling somewhere about once a month. And often it was somewhere in Asia that he hadn't been yet - where he got to meet new people and check out a new city/culture. Before he left he told me he was really looking forward to eating Chinese food for a week.
We were both reminiscing on Singapore in the last day or two. I keep having these really strange moments. I'll be doing something completely normal - walking down the street, working out at the gym, eating at a restaurant with work friends - and suddenly I'll feel incredibly out of place. That's not even the way to describe it best. I'll have a brief feeling like: "what am i doing here? How did I get here?" Then I'll spend a minute thinking about what I would have been doing during that moment in Singapore. It's very strange. Almost a bit like multi-tasking too much. You have 20 websites open and you're flipping between them (ok, actively using maybe 5 of them, the other 15 are just open for later), and then suddenly you lose your train of thought and you have to peek at them to remember what you were in the middle of doing. If you can imagine that - but happening when you're walking down the street. You shake your head and think to yourself, "wait...how did this happen?"
Andreas asked yesterday (or was it today?) "do you want to move back to Singapore?" And honestly, I don't think I do. Which is not to say that I wouldn't want to go somewhere else in Asia - I'd love to move to India for a couple years - but I think in the long run I wouldn't be happy in Singapore.
Anyway, this is just a Saturday evening blog where you have a lot running through your head, (I need to take notes when I have good blog ideas...I have them all the time and then forget during the moment of truth), and can't express everything as I'd like to.
Two photos from our living room window again. Phone does a terrible job, but here are the really gorgeous trees outside just days before they drop all their leaves...
This just in...
I'm not sure it's a good thing when I get a call from the husband, newly arrived in China, who declares: "It's nice to be back in Asia! I got here and it felt immediately like China - warm and muggy and dirty air. It's great!" Hmmm...I mean, well, we really liked living in Asia, but I'm not remembering the filthy air in the Chinese cities as fondly as he is, I guess.
Its strange when this starts happening. Like you're stuck between two worlds. I thought of you yesterday while I was at the Takashimaya food court. Your old stomping grounds...
Mom is back from the east coast. Amy is looking at houses in Orinda this afternoon. Saulie will come for an afternoon swim then dinner of lamb shanks with Amy, Rob, Theo, Jane and Scott. Weather: sunny, clear, 84. Daylight time ended so we are 8 hours behind Munchen.
Hey Julie,
Nice to know u contemplating on moving to Asia....
Ya India is much better than Singapore ;-) (Warning- the comment maybe biased)
Nice to see u continue blogging...
Keep ur friends in sing updated with ur blogs!
Weather here is lovely. We are finally drying out and it is in mid 80's with low humidity. Went down to mid 70's last night--really refreshing. I am looking at cars as my lease is up. I may switch to an Infinity. The new Lexus is just too expensive--hovering around $70,000!
Hi Julie, Alexandra hat mir vor langer Zeit mal deine Blog-Adresse gegeben und ich verfolge gespannt immer deine interessanten Berichte. Nach deinem letzten Eintrag hatte ich fast ein "deja-vue-Erlebnis", denn diese Diskussionen "zurueck nach Asien?" finden bei uns auch fast taeglich statt, obwohl wir erst seit 3 Monaten in den USA sind. Wahrscheinlich gehoert das zu so einem Auslandaufenthalt dazu, es muessen dann einfach alle Familienangehoerigen denselben Wunsch verspueren ;-). Gruss aus Cincinnati :-(
the leaf photos are beautiful, looks like you posterized them or something, i love it. we're at the same stage here in georgia.
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