Monday, July 27, 2009

Julie looking forward to Julie & Julia

Saw a movie poster for this movie on Saturday evening, when we went to see Harry Potter (no strong recommendation for Harry Potter..but it was watchable).

I read about Julie Powell, the blogger who turned her blog into a book deal and then into a movie a few years back. The screenplay is by Nora Ephron and Meryl Streep stars as Julia Child, so it's gotta be good. :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to it too. We were thinking of doing a girls night where everyone has to cook something from Mastering the Art of French Cooking and then we go see the movie. Shall we wait until you get here?
xo A

Julie Nathan said...

heehee. Yes. Sounds good. :-) To both suggestions. And I think it is very easy to decide what to cook, no? I make the lobster? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea. Wish I could join you all for that meal. Instead I shall go see the movie this weekend. If I talk to you while you're in S.F. ask me about Julia, crepes Suzette + me.
Aunt Sue