Thursday, February 4, 2010

This Gives Me A Headache

In recent meetings with clients, I can't seem to shut up about Augmented Reality and how cool it is going to be when someone finally gets one of these apps working in Germany. (Buncha cool stuff already working in the US. Unfortunately, I don't dare use my iPhone in the US because of how outlandishly expensive it would be...).

I am guessing that not everyone knows what I am talking about when I casually throw out the words Augmented Reality - this is the ability of an application to take something like a photo or a video or merely a glimpse through a camera lens, combined with your GPS-sensed location and layer on additional, potentially useful information.

Here are some examples below - ripped directly from GigaOm. (Thanks for the tip, Scholly!)

So you can use this kind of info to help you find the subway, get recommendations at a restaurant, etc.

But with all the hype over Augmented Reality, you might imagine that things could get a bit out of hand. And they have. According to AdFreak, this little video showcases the crazy imagination "from London architecture student Keiichi Matsuda, who envisions just how bizarre your life might look in the not-too-distant future—a logo-dominated age in which every structure and visual space is aglow with advertising and the insignia of global commerce is woven into all aspects of your existence."

Augmented Reality Overdrive. And I already have a headache. No thanks. Pass on this one.


Urmi said...

Hey Julie! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Yours is cool too! I still can't decide whether augmented reality is cool or creepy. Sometimes I feel like it would make me live in a bubble. But there are some use cases (like travelling in a strange city) where with carefully curated content I think it could be pretty useful. How long have you lived in Munich? You seem to know lots of good eating places :) I haven't really made any foodie friends yet, so haven't had the chance to try much yet! -urmi

Julie said...

Hi Urmi,
I've been in Munich since 2001 - with a time-out for two years in Singapore. Happy to recommend restaurants to you if you are looking for something in particular.

RE: augmented reality - I think I will know more when I actually see it working. I mean - in terms of whether I find it really useful or not. I know that I use tools like Qype and such in Munich to find restaurants/cafes, etc. and I could imgaine augmented reality adding an interesting layer of information to that kind of info. But....waiting to see. The video I put up - that is going overboard...