Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Good to know...

We will be without internet for awhile. And running around getting stuff together for the apartment is taking some time....a lot of it. :-) Which means that for the next week or two I will not be posting blogs very often/writing email very often, etc.

But just to know that I am encountering crazy things around every corner....here is a "Sprueche" (saying) from a friend's father's foyer room.
In German:
"Wer ein Heim hat, das traut
Und ein Weib, das nicht haut,
Verkuende dies Glueck immer laut."

and the translation:
"He who has a home that protects him
and a wife that does not beat him,
always tells people about his luck."

The squirrel there seems to think it's an interesting saying...

The last line of that saying is supposed to be (Christian!!! how could you let me get this wrong?):
"Verkuende dies Glueck NIMMER laut"

"NEVER tells people about his luck." (As in...modestly keeps this info to himself.)

Thank you for the correction/notification from a friend...


Anonymous said...

andreas is a lucky man :)

C+G+MT said...

Hi Julie,

stell Dir vor, wo ich mich angemeldet habe?!?!
Pure Yoga :)))
Mika und ich machen dort den Mom&Baby Kurs mit ... und Mika ist soooooooo verflucht gut. Menno. Ich will das auch können ;)

LG und viel Spass beim Wohnung herrichten! Wann kommt Euer Container an?

Julie N said...

Balu - that's what I was thinking. ;-)

Claudia - container is already here. We're in. Just waiting for internet. Am in the garden at the moment....borrowing someone else's. We'll be hooked up next Tuesday. Have fun at yoga! :-)