Monday, July 30, 2007

Yet more bikes

There was at least the intention to have some relaxing time this weekend. We were thinking that on Saturday we'd try to take care of some more apartment-related purchases and arrangements and that on Sunday we'd take it easy in the afternoon and go laze around the river or go jogging or biking or...something else.

But it was somehow not meant to be. Friday was nice - we had dinner with a colleague of Andreas' and his wife. Saturday started with an exciting trip to Radlebauer. Take a look.

Andreas has a bike, but not a "city" bike - not a nice neat streamlined thing that can easily be ridden through the city. He has a mountain bike, which is a bit awkward to ride as a city bike. And Radlebauer is the place to go in Munich to outfit yourself properly (Volker and Alex told us). Sort of like heaven for Tracie, no? :-)

We held off on buying me a bike because *my* blue 12-year old Trek works well enough as a city bike, at least for the moment. It just got a tune-up and is holding, but we shall see.

After bike buying, it was off to kitchen stores again, which takes HOURS if you have a consultant willing to build your kitchen of the future on his computer, which we did. So now we have two price quotes and need to decide which one to go for.

But then suddenly, Saturday was gone and Sunday morning was spent introducing ourselves to our neighbors and then napping and then yoga and then dinner out - and the weekend was gone.

Well, more weekends to look forward to in the future. Like this coming weekend in Amsterdam with EMILY!

1 comment:

ABA said...

Our weekend was almost as exciting. Thursday Janie and Scott showed up. They said they wanted to drive up to Napa for lunch on Sat. So we left the house at 11 and hit tons of traffic. It took us two hours for the trip. We had lunch at Don Giovanni so Jane could practice her Italian. We came home and set up the cot in our room for Saulie. Sunday morning I took Saul home. At noon I made my Costco run. In the afternoon we set up to make dinner, which we served to Amy, Rob and the boys. Dishes and to bed. So much for the weekend.