Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On tippy toe among the Porsches

I'm waiting for the husband to get out of the bathroom so I can continue getting ready for work. And because I only left work at 10 pm last night, I just left work computer there, which means that while I SHOULD be hacking away on a presentation for a pitch we have this afternoon, I can't. Which means I have the luxury of posting one quick blog.

I've already rolled off my little Duesseldorf project (where I replaced Verena for two weeks while she romped around Thailand with her girlfriends), but this is one photo I definitely wanted to throw in before it was too late. That there is Torsten Schollmayer, one of my many new Sapient colleagues, who will be working somewhat longer term on the project I left.

Why is Torsten leaning against the Porsche of his dreams? What was really strange and funny, is that the client we were working for has a Porsche dealership smack in the middle of the office complex. We walked past hundred of Porsches many times a day. Walk to get coffee, drool drool nice porsche, drool, walk back to office, stare stare, nice porsche...and finally we gave up and of course went in and pretended to shop for a few minutes on our lunch break.

Yeah, well, when I win the Lotto. :-)


Rob said...

What is Jake doing in Germany standing next to a Porsche?!

Vivek said...

Hey Julie,

Good to see you back to blooging ;-)
And named a blog afer me ??? I am flattered!!!

Enjoy your holidays and have a nice time in US!

Vivek Seth