Monday, February 18, 2008

Losing Blog Steam

I am losing interest. Or perhaps past tense is more honest.

I like to write. I think there are interesting things to tell you. Or tell someone anyway. But this model isn't working for me. I's my fault too. I have to actually write something worthwhile. But I have this mixed audience and everyone seems to have different interests. It was a strange model to begin with. It worked more in Singapore where everything was new, fresh, different and it didn't really matter who was reading - there was something there for everyone. More importantly, these days, I am a bit afraid (maybe the wrong word - I am feeling a little bit too protective about) what I am really thinking about, which is really the problem here. So what you end up getting is watered down nothingness. I do's hard to comment on that. But then we are simply left with nothing. Sad, but true. At least for now. We shall see what happens later.


Anonymous said...

it's hard to comment??? No way ;-) It's quite simple to comment, since i think it's not true what you wrote today ... I think nobody of your audience would ever feel anyway bored about your texts... I am not reading your blog since i want to be entertained, I am reading the blog cause i am interested in whats going on with you... so you are not writing for a target group as an entertainer.. there is no target group, just people interested in your life.. dont stress yourself, it need not to be fancy, cool, strange... it just needs to be about you....

Anonymous said...

i agree completly with the above comment...if it is to be entertained probably those audience would be looking at youtube or what have u for getting entertained...

surely, people who know u just like to know whats happening.. could be as simple as ur thoughts on what pizza topping u like :)

Anonymous said...

Mom, here, though this comment will register "anonymous." I tried to send a text message but I need some sort of code. I agree with both comments by "anonymous." Those reading your blog do so out of interest, not for entertainment. Either I read your blog or Dad does and reports to me over coffee. It's always a part of every early-morning conversation. I can't imagine life without your blog, Julie.

Anonymous said...

You're so far away and we miss you! So it's been so nice to be able to check in on your blog and find out little details about your life, or your musings about whatever. I understand if you don't want to focus on the blog right now, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for keeping it up for so long.
xo Amy

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone who has written. Aunt Sue was able to keep up with you and the far flung family through your blog. That is all I cared about, connecting. Entertainment was unimportant. I just found it difficult to sign in on this site.