Friday, June 13, 2008

EM: Germany vs. Croatia

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about India. I am working on something. Hopefully will have a post by Monday....

Meanwhile, we had a group showing of the Germany vs. Croatia game last night at work. Bunch of us gathered for pizza and beer and football....

I even took part in the betting: put 2 Euros down betting 3:2 Germany:Croatia.
Unfortunately, the Germans didn't play very well and well...lost....2:1...argh!

A few videos...from the evening:

That Kid Can Kick...

In which Ranjith totally avoids making a prediction...

Germans are quiet little mice when their team is not doing so well...

1 comment:

webmaster said...

hohoho... that sounds like u r joking about our feelings seeing the German team loosing? This is a national crisis!!