Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Deja (%&$$%#§"$) Vu

Yesterday, on the way to London. I thought that last week was trying on my patience with all the bumping from one flight to the next and then sitting around the airport for 5 hours. Ha.

This time:
In taxi on way to airport, collegue also headed to London on an earlier flight calls to tell me first 1) his flight is cancelled, then 2) my flight is delayed and then....during course of conversation, 3) my flight is cancelled. Great.

Got to airport, got on next available flight scheduled for two hours later.

Went to lounge to work. (Remember the lounge? If not...just look at last blog. Imagine me sitting there...again.)

Next (new) flight delayed...and delayed....and delayed. (Weather in London yesterday was horrific - lots of flights cancelled and delayed all day.

Finally, got on a flight around 3 pm that actually left the ground.

As we were landing, plane was shaking so badly that pilot decided it was too dangerous to land and pulled the nose back up and let us circle for another 30 minutes until storm calmed down.

Finally down on the ground at around 4 pm. Account Manager decided to have me fly to Heathrow in order to save some money (rather than the more optimally placed London City Airport). Which meant a minimum 1.5 hour commute into work. I called the office and asked the team if they still wanted me to come in. Answer: don't bother.

Oh well. Today is more productive. And as one of my favourite bloggers writes a week ago: Travelling is Fun. ;-)

Lovely photos from the London Tube as I was tubing into Victoria station. You get an idea of how great the weather was. Munich, on the other hand, was gorgeous yesterday.


Ralf Gehrig said...

We're happy to have you here after all that misery!

Anonymous said...

If I was on a flight where they decided not to land because it was too dangerous, that might be my last flight.

I am supposed to travel to New York for board meetings every quarter, but I refuse to go there in March because half of the flights to or from Newark are cancelled. Flying is for the birds. Literally.

Emily said...

hi trying to remember my id!

Anonymous said...

We haven't flown since our trip to NYC + Israel in December + home Jan.3rd. Had no trouble with any of our flights, but did not love leaving Tel Aviv at 12:30 a.m.! Since Cindy + family are coming here for Passover, we have no trips planned until summer. Germany is not on our plans this year.
Aunt Sue