Sunday, November 15, 2009


Just saw this video on AFAR magazine - a new travel magazine that writes about "experiential" travel. I don't like the little clip much, these guys don't feel authentic enough for me - I mean...if you watch the video, you'll see they came up with their idea on Goa...perhaps the least likely place in India to really "experience" India (at least from what I have heard and which they also readily admit in their promo video). Nonetheless, the idea has a lot of potential and a website that takes the idea further is the way to go. Like...links and articles about homestays around the world (NYTIMES just did a piece on this), real restaurant/hole in the wall reviews sort of like Singapore's "Makansutra" guide - which reviews food stalls telling you where to find the absolute best char kway teow, or even concepts like this one - where you can learn how to sail by working on a sailboat for a few weeks. If I look at their website (set to launch in full in spring of next year), it looks like they are at least thinking in this direction.

Hey guys, give me a ring - let me do your website....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a sf mag- I know them...