Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bike to Work Week

A friend of mine who lives in Georgia (hi tracie :-) ) is busy promoting the "bike to work" week. (Apparently this week). She's always been an avid cyclist and I remember when I lived in Berkeley a million years ago and worked together with her, we bought the same bikes. I think she is still riding hers while a little rusty from being rained on and snowed on and...hmmm.

What's nice now is that I live in an area of Munich and work for a company where riding to work is the norm for me when the weather is ...collaborating with me. Today was a bit questionable, and as you can see by the photo i just took of the backyard here at work and the sky above...while there is no rain at this very is threatening to come again very soon. Oh wait, I take it back. It just started to pour. Riding home will be fun.

Anyway, so I promised Tracie I would show how Munich is such a bike-friendly city.
A few photos from around here...:

No cars allowed in this direction, but bikes are allowed. :-)

Bike lanes next to the street...

Bikes parked outside workplaces...

Not bad. :-) Although I get yelled at all the time by pedestrians who think they own the sidewalks. Argh.

1 comment:

d said...

well .. i am still thinking... but i do think that flower pots on ground level are something uncommon in cities with more than 1000 inhabitants, dont u think too?