Saturday, May 30, 2009


Three stores to find cilantro today. Really not a good thing when you cook with it by the handful as I tend to do. One extra weekend day and you would think stores were closing for a week with the lines. One of those things about Germany...they take their holidays very very for food - not allowed.


Anonymous said...

Hunting for cilantro means you plan lots of cooking for this weekend. Without Gerry, I have more or less stopped cooking unless Judy + Angela are here for dinner. I thought you were going to rest this weekend so that you would be up for your new project. Our 3 day weekend was last week--Memorial Day. However here our drought ended that weekend (while Cindy, Dan, + the kids were here)and we have had lots of rain daily for over 1 week.

Julie Nathan said...

Well..I'm pretty bad at sitting around. But also for me, cooking is sort of like breathing. ;-) But I won't/haven't cooked anything especially complicated this weekend. As for three day weekends-we have lots of them in may/June. Bunch of Christian holidays...
Today I will rest by doing taxes for a couple hours...
Take care, Julie