Monday, May 4, 2009

Signs Everywhere

One of the blogs I nip past every day is called "A Headline A Day" - yeah, you can find it over here. And some days i think the guy is channeling my brain. Shorter than a horoscope, his one headline every day is quite often something that really makes me stop and and think.

And the fact that some of his headlines seem somehow so close to what I might be thinking or feeling - maybe not on the day itself but sometime in the past - makes me recognize how on so many levels the things I think about or struggle with or contemplate or recognize are merely the same things that other people think about, stuggle with, contemplate or recognize. It's a humbling experience. Despite this, the headline a day often has a message worth spending time with - wondering how it applies to me and my life, if at all.

And some days, I don't have to even look for the official "Headline a Day" because there it is, on the street, right before me.

Although I wish it weren't written on gas guzzling monster jeep truck things...

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