Thursday, May 7, 2009

Good Morning, Bogenhausen

Hey! I got up early this morning. I mean....not really early - only 6:30, but still...

And made some coffee.

Drank some coffee.

And then - went for a walk before work. (Andreas'...uh...gentle...idea...get Julie out of bed earlier....)

But it was lovely out and remains so today, and tonight Sapient will have a little social get together (theme is traditional german costume..which I will NOT be wearing...), and I am working on maybe attending a conference in Berlin towards the end of this month, so plenty to do and look forward to today.

Here is my (pictorial) walk:
Along our street.
Along the river.
Up to the bridge.
Down to the bakery (we were out of bread).
Back home, dress and go to work. :-)

No comments from the peanut gallery about the sunglasses. I like them. I don't care if you don't like them. :-P


Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like a lovely time to be there!
I do like your ski goggles, I mean sunglasses.

Julie Nathan said...
